transitional employment opportunities created for young adults experiencing homelessness.
of Alumni are employed and/or in school in 2024
of Breaktime graduates are in medium- or long-term stable housing.
point increase in average credit score of six months
Breaktime’s core belief is that job and financial security are essential to a young person's ability to achieve housing security. In other words, the cycle of young adult homelessness cannot be broken if we do not invest in the employment and financial wellbeing of young adults experiencing housing insecurity.
Working collaboratively with a variety of partners, Breaktime aims to break the cycle of young adult homelessness by supporting Associates in reaching the following outcomes:
Job Security: At least 80% of Breaktime Alumni are engaged in a full-time combination of work and/or education (30 hrs+/week)
Financial Security: Breaktime Alumni gain a median hourly wage increase of 25%, accrue up to $3000 in savings, and achieve a prime credit score of 660+
Housing Security: At least 75% of Breaktime Alumni have a safe and stable place to live for at least the next three months
With these outcomes achieved, Breaktime catalyzes immense impact not only for each Alum but also for society at large:
Taxpayers save $2,372,650 per young adult over 40 years–money that otherwise would have been spent on emergency departments, inpatient hospital stays, psychiatric centers, detoxification programs, jails, and other public costs
The government earns an extra $827,185 on average per young adult over their lifetime
The private and nonprofit sector gain access to talented young professionals from which they were otherwise disconnected
Educational and training institutions realize increased retention and success rates with students who otherwise would not have had the financial and housing security needed to succeed

"I don’t think I’ve ever had this much support and I love that Breaktime is offering me this much and helping me out… Breaktime helps youth chase their dreams. My dream job is to be a fashion designer.. I want to be someone who does things people has never seen."

"The opportunities and resources I have been given at Breaktime have been game changing in terms of providing me a future… they gave me resources that I didn’t know how to access on my own... I have a network of support now…It has been life changing, it's changed my outlook insanely, and I have hope for the future and an idea of where to go from here."

Lady Autumn
"It has been very eye opening since I have been here, I have learned a lot of communications skills, a lot of people skills, a lot of responsibility…if you come here you are with people who are here to help you. You're coming here and it’s like a second home."
Theory of Change
3 Year Model consisting of:
3 Weeks of Paid Soft Skills Training and Financial Empowerment Programming (Launchpad)
3 Months of Transitional Job Placement ($18 /hour) with staff support (Liftoff)
3 Years of Career and Education Support, Credit Counseling, and continued Professional Development (Stable Orbit)
Match Savings Program (up to $3000)
Launchpad: Communication Skills programming, Creating Resume and Cover Letter, Career Exploration, Mock Interviewing, Job Placement, Opening Bank Account, Enrolling in Matched Savings
Liftoff: Regular check-ins with peer advocates and programs team, Lift Off Learning Series, Transition Support/ Referrals, Continued Career Planning, Matched Savings
Stable Orbit: Monthly check-ins (minimally) with Peer Advocates. Stable Orbit Learning Series, Career Coaching (including PSE support)
# of young adults served annually: 150 for 2022, 300 for 2023, and 550 for 2024
An average of 312 hrs worked per Associate who completes Liftoff
An average of $6,016 (80% of the maximum) saved
90% participation in credit counseling
90% participation in matched savings program
$ of savings accrued for young adults: $1,040 (80% of maximum)
80% of Alumni engaged in a full-time combination (30 hrs/week) of employment, education, and/or training by the end of the program
A median income of $20/hr+ across working Alumni; a median savings of $1,000+ across all Alumni who participated in the Matched Savings Program; and a median credit score of over 660 for all Alumni who received credit counseling
80% of Alumni stably housed by the end of the program
Individual young adults achieve greater life and career stability and lower rates of chronic illness, incarceration, and unemployment
Taxpayers save $2,372,650 per young adult over 40 years
Government earns an extra $827,185 per young adult over their lifetime
Private and nonprofit sector gain access to talented young professionals who were previously disconnected from the workforce
Education and training institutions realize increased retention and success rates